Mission #Onlyhomeonce Day 10 27 Maret 2020It's the weekend! It's time for a party. By party, we mean a simple tea party at home. With your parents permission, dress up in your favorite fancy princess dress or...
Mission #Onlyhomeonce day 9 26 Maret 2020We heard from some of you that yesterday's mission was challenging! So, today we'll do something simple. Using a piece of paper, trace your hand. On each finger, write something...
Mission #onlyhomeonce Day 8- Paper Weaving 25 Maret 2020We are stronger together than apart, and so todays activity will be paper weaving. Even though apart right now, our families are still connected, as are our friends and others...
Mission #onlyhomeonce Day 7- Send Happy Mail 24 Maret 2020Today, we'd like to ask YOU to be a part of our mission by sending happy mail to someone you know! We want to encourage you to sit down and...
Mission #Onlyhomeonce day 6...color a rainbow 23 Maret 2020We're excited to see what you come up with today! Today's mission is to color a happy rainbow! Let's remember that today is a great day and soon we will be...
Mission #onlyhomeonce day 5- twirling 22 Maret 2020Todays mission is simple! We're going to be twirling throughout the day. Put on your favorite Only Little Once twirl dress (or any other dress), and tag us with your best...