Operation #onlyhomeonce DAY TWO

Operation #onlyhomeonce DAY TWO

Yesterday was fantastic!  We received countless messages and positive feedback about our coloring page giveaway, and we're looking forward to announcing the first winners!

One of the most important things during these uncertain times is for us to ensure that our children feel safe, and their lives experience as little disruption as possible.  We hope that our #onlyhomeonce challenge provides a little distraction and something fun to look forward to each day! 

We'll be choosing Happy Mail recipients on instagram and facebook stories around 7pm EST tonight, Thursday, March 19.

Now, for the details of today's mission!  The challenge is simple!  Have your child draw a picture of their favorite princess, character, or action hero!  Take a photo of them with their drawing and tag us @onlylittleonce with the hashtag #onlyhomeonce.  We will choose some participants to receive Happy Mail from us on our Instagram stories at 7pm EST.

Keep checking back each day for more!

댓글 2개

My Little One looks forward to this now! :) She has her drawing almost ready to submit.

Marla Tipton

This is so much fun for our little ones and we appreciate what you are doing to help spread goodness!! Thank you!


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